Would 1st Elder escape alive?

In Ch500 we will most likely see the finale of this arc.  Would 1st Elder be smarter and run away?
 Or would 1st Elder act like Maduke and say: "The true power of Union and human race is not its cannon fodder or Armageddon . I am the true power of Union!" *insert a blood stone*

The lab where Muzaka was hibernating has been destroyed due to Armageddon's first attack so Muzaka's life is in danger, and other werewolves also require urgent treatment.

So perhaps good guys would get distracted due to above circumstances, and 1st might run away. 

1 comment:

  1. The writer likes the rinse and repeat cycle too much. I will be surprised if he runs. ^^;;

    I wonder if Crombel will be the next victim of this endless stupidity?
