Noblesse Chapter 524 (Detailed Synopsis)

The masked guy inform Crombell that he failed to capture 3rd Elder due to the intervention of Frankenstein. (They don't know his name so they simply refer him as 'that guy'). Crombell is annoyed by the threat Frankenstein possess for his mission.

Noblesse Chapter 524 (Short Synopsis)

Noblesse Chapter 523 (Detailed Synopsis)

Frankenstein chides Third Elder for his so-called dumb sacrificial move. Third Elder tries to justify it by saying that he was distracting Crombell so that Tao can locate Crombell meanwhile .

Noblesse Chapter 523 (Short Synopsis)

Noblesse Chapter 522 (Detailed Synopsis)

The media person around the world discuss the slaughter in various cities by people with supernatural powers. As Union has manipulated the flow of information , the media people blame the slaughter on non-human species. They come up with theories like how the other species have carried slaughter in the ancient past and have manipulated the humans from eons. The hate of humanity is directed towards werewolves and nobles...

Noblesse Chapter 522 (Short Synopsis)

Noblesse Chapter 521 (Detailed Synopsis)

Aound the world, the images of modified humans are being spread.

The ordinary humans learn about the powers of supernatural and the destruction they caused. The human world is full of chaos...

Noblesse Chapter 521 (Short Synopsis)

Noblesse Chapter 520 (Detailed Synopsis)

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In different parts of the world, the henchmen of Crombell continue to wreck havoc. The human government of those countries send their military with weapons but against modified humans they prove useless. After a hour or so, the bad guys retreat as was ordered to them by Crombell.

Noblesse Chapter 520 (Short Synopsis)