Noblesse Chapter 522

The media person around the world discuss the slaughter in various cities by people with supernatural powers. As Union as manipulated the flow of information , the media people blame the slaughter on non-human species. They come up with theories like how the other species have carried slaughter in the ancient past and have manipulated the humans from eons. The hate of humanity is directed towards werewolves and nobles...

Crombell tells Aris about how easy is to manipulate humanity. He wonders what the nobles and werewolves would do now that the humans they wanted to protect are hating them.

(Follow the dumb plot and it is obvious they will save humanity.  They are incapable of being selfish).

Elsewhere, Third Elder is fighting the henchmen Crombell has sent. It is revealed that only one of them truly belong to Crombell while others were inactive Royal Guards owned by First Elder.  They weren't used as they were incomplete with low lifespan.

A very annoying and totally bullshit flashback takes place in which an idiot offers to sacrifice himself for the sake of humanity. That idiot said some lame dialogues to Third Elder in the flashback.

In the present, Third Elder is facing many of those idiots who are like zombies.

Just then Frankenstein marks his entry.

Third Elder ask him why has he arrived here.

Frankenstein is annoyed by the idiotic question so he grab Third Elder by his neck and ask what does he think?

Chapter 523

What do you think of the chapter?  Any prediction for Noblesse 523? You can comment without signing in ^^


  1. Noblesse is turning more ridiculous every chapter

    1. Currently, Yes ... ... ...

  2. Has Frankie to go and choke a Bitch?
