Noblesse Chapter 523

Frankenstein chides Third Elder for his so-called dumb sacrificial move. Third Elder tries to justify it by saying that he was distracting Crombell so that Tao can locate Crombell meanwhile .

Frankenstein remind him that it might prove useless. (Seriously how will Crombell be distracted by Third Elder when all he sent is zombies and one masked guy to deal with him. Dumb writing) .

Frankenstein explain he can't let Third Elder die without letting him complete his job (of stopping Crombell from using Union's assets).

Third Elder gets his act together and the battle start with the zombie gang and a masked man.

(How well-mannered the bad guys in Noblesse are...they only launch attack after letting the good guys finish the long conversation).

Frankenstein soon realize that the zombies in front of him are incomplete Royal Guards with very limited lifespan. Third Elder inform him that he tried to stop Crombell from getting his hands on the zombies but failed. (Tell me something where you have actually succeeded).

Frankenstein and Third Elder are able to overpower the zombie gang. (The fighting scenes were very poor for a Frankenstein chapter).

The defeated zombies self explode which lead to some injuries on Frankenstein and Third.

The masked guy use this chance to escape.

Only one zombie guy remain alive.  Third Elder uses annoying melancholic dialogues like how he let the sacrifice of those zombies go in vain as they have  agreed for the experiments for helping humanity. (Oh really...say that to millions of people whom you exploited even after Union gained strength. Seriously author is being annoying by trying to add bullshit sacrifice at last moment).

Frankenstein allow Third Elder to kill the final zombie.

Elsewhere, Aris inform Crombell that they have located two attack satellites.

Crombell couldn't hide his grin...

Chapter 524

What do you think of the chapter?  Any prediction for Noblesse 524? You can comment without signing in ^^

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