Noblesse Chapter 516 (Short Synopsis)

Yuri is able to find on equal grounds with M-21. He is even able to land damage on M-21 while the latter stay distracted with the damage done to city due to their battle.  Takeo join M-21 but Yuri start launching attack on city making Takeo and Yuri helpless because if they attack him then more innocents would be harmed. Rael joins them which makes Yuri to leave.

Detailed synopsis is out ^^

1 comment:

  1. S~ooo, Yuriri powered up by a L~OT, huh? I must say, Crombell is really "someone", for being able to create "ELDER-Level" powered Agents.

    I am confident Yuriri and Aris are "AT LEAST" as powerful as the 12th, 11th - and 10th Elder now. What means they would even give Seira a hard Time when she can not defeat them with her most powerful Attack.
