Noblesse Chapter 512 (Detailed Synopsis)

Kentas apologize to the werewolf warriors for letting Third Elder leave the island alive even though he was involved in the genocide of werewolves. The werewolves warriors says that they understand why Kentas made the decision given the threat of Crombell.  Third Elder can hinder Crombell so they have to let him live.

Back in werewolves laboratory,  Frankenstein remembers the detailed Third Elder provided.  Crombell can use Union's influence in staging wars between nations.  Furthermore,  there are many more assault satellites out in space which Crombell might be able to use now that First Elder is supposedly dead. Third Elder knows that at least five more satellites are active without few more in construction. Third Elder is not able to provide details on how to stop Armageddons as only First Elder knew about them.

Before leaving , Third Elder tells Frankenstein that Crombell has same powers as his.

In the present, Frankenstein thinks how Crombell wants to annihilate the entire human race in order to become the God.

Frankenstein contact Tao and passes information about the current crisis in the Union. He also explains Crombell's goals of mass annihilation .

Tao understand that Crombell would try to attack Rai, Frankenstein and RK. As they are the biggest hindrance in Crombell's path. Furthermore , Crombell used them to wipe out Elders of Union and he knows many details about Frankenstein and co.

Frankenstein warns Tao to get ready and pass the information to others.  In the meantime, Tao has to do his best and destroy Armageddon. He has to do it as soon as possible before Crombell makes his move on them. Rai and Frankenstein would try to return ASAP.

Lunark and other werewolves knows about Frankenstein's responsibilities. They know he and Rai has to return ASAP due to Crombell's threat. While Muzaka's body has completely recovered he is still in coma. The werewolves says that Frankenstein should let the situation remain as it is and leave the werewolves land so that he can do what he must do. Frankenstein is reluctant as the werewolves might be attacked again.  The werewolves says they will hold on...

In the Union's lab, Dr Aris and Yuri says now the time has come for RK to pay back. Yuri and Aris are high on drugs...

What do you think of this chapter?  Any prediction for Noblesse 513? You can comment without signing in ^^


  1. I think in eps 513 they would still preparing for war and maybe in the end of the ch. Crombell will arrive at the werewolves' land... I mean that's the only place i could think of since he would never choose lukedonia nor the school (that would be ridiculous tho) or even frank's house a.k.a. the (un)official headquarters

    Also i'm guessing muzaka will wake up on ch 517ish in the middle of the battle

  2. "High on drugs"
    Definitely, dr aris and yuri never learned huh

  3. yuri and aris probably high on bloodstones

  4. I fear that Crombell will absorb Muzaka and become even more powerful. Also do you think Frankie's Dark Spear will react violently to Crombells or try to join him in some way?
