Noblesse Chapter 537

In Lukedonia, the reporters are brought to an advance broadcast facility.

The reporters are in a state of disbelief seeing the technology inside. Gejutel inform them that this facility will help them in carrying out the task they set out: reporting about nobles to humanity.

The reporters wonder if Gejutel meant what he said.

Gejutel nods his head and explain that Lord will give them an interview.

At the desert, Yuri vs M-21 continue.

Suddenly,  Yuri cough up blood as the side effects of recent upgrade take toll. The more power he uses,  the drastic are the side effects.

He can't believe M-21 is still fine since M-21 got a more powerful upgrade in a short time so the side effects should be stronger.  Contrary to his imagination,  M-21 is getting stronger just like a real werewolf.

M-21 takes advantage of Yuri's state and launch an attack on him. Yuri is pushed back and moments later overpowered.

Yuri gets severely injured. He tells M-21 to not get happy since M-21 will suffer more drastic side effects then him.

Since M-21 has earned more power than him so Yuri is sure of M-21's fate.

M-21 is rather amused when Yuri inform him of side effects.

With a mocking smile,  M-21 explains that his body is more stable and powerful than ever. There are no side effects for him unlike Yuri who sacrificed his body for power.

Yuri is shocked and angered by M-21's words.

M-21 doesn't waste any more time and launch a finishing strike on Yuri. Poor guy died even without showing what was behind the mask. RIP.

Lunark is fighting Mark but she stop. She ask M-21 if he will like to finish Mark.

M-21 takes her offer. He would have liked if Mark wasn't using his friend's appearance but now it doesn't matter.

M-21 vs Mark begin.

Elsewhere,  Frankenstein is pushing Crombell back. Frankenstein is disappointed that Crombell is only dodging his attacks. He wish to see the 'perfect' dark powers of Crombell.

Crombell launch an attack on Frankenstein which only bring a laughter from the latter.

As the battle continue, Crombell couldn't believe that he is unable to surpass his mentor.

Crombell realize that the only way to win the battle is if he uses Blood Stone-ni. But Crombell is hesitant since the data on Blood Stone-nim is limited, and hence using it now would lead to serious side effects.

Frankenstein ask Crombell why is he so terrified. The future god realize that he is truly afraid...

In a city somewhere,  the combined strength of Muzaka and Rai destroy the final satellite.  There are still few satellites remaining but they have been disabled by Tao and Third Elder so destroying them is not required.

Both Rai and Muzaka are extremely exhausted. Rai express his wish to return to the home...

As the sun rises t̶h̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶u̶p̶l̶e̶ ̶s̶h̶a̶r̶e̶ ̶a̶ ̶k̶i̶s̶s̶.

Chapter 538

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1 comment:

  1. Crombell activates the blood stone but then something goes wrong and Rai's brother gets resurrected and threatens to suck the energy out of everyone in the world!or some bullshit like that
