Noblesse Chapter 493

In a flashback,  we see Maduke explaining the new laws of werewolves: the survivalist of fittest. He explains how their is competion for the position of Lord but he says now that law would apply for everything.  Only strong would live.  The weak would be sacrificed for the strong.  Everything would be for the sake of their race. 

After the death of Maduke, the remaining "modified" warriors discuss how Maduke did everything for his greed and not for race.  The warriors correct themselves that they too were same as Maduke no matter how they try to justify themselves. 

Back in present, Juraki regret not learning this valuable lesson soon.

Both Dorant and Juraki are getting thrashed but Dorant put a impressive fight shocking 1st Elder. 

First Elder mention that Union would have suffered if not for the death of Maduke and many warriors.  He further says that even though the remaining warriors are weak....they are still giving an impressive show.  He orders Third Elder to end this.

Third Elder interferes which lead to the defeat of both Juraki and Dorant. 

Garda and that chick are fighting but Haydn uses underhanded attack and defeat her.

 First Elder Elder give the Warriors a standing ovation.  He remarks that perhaps humans wouldn't be able to defeat werewolves if not for their present crisis.  They indeed have to use underhanded means but no matter what they are the winner.

The chick is about to kill Garda but at the last moment she gets saved.  Rai, Frankenstein and Lunark have arrived.

Chapter 492
Chapter 494

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