Noblesse Chapter 491

First Elder thinks about the times when the werewolves committed one atrocity after another on the human race.  In one of the Union Elders meeting,  Haydn (whom other Elders believe to be the First Elder) question Second Elder (Maduke) why the werewolves destroyed a human area. Haydn further ask why the Union wasn't informed beforehand.

Maduke acts arrogant and says that he doesn't need to answer. Just because he is an Elder doesn't means that other Elders are equal to him in status. The werewolves were far too arrogant. 

In the present,  First Elder confesses that he hates werewolves to the core.  For eons werewolves have slaved and killed humans as they pleased.

The humiliation and anger of the forefathers of human race was never forgotten. Each generation remembered the pain and shame of being treated as livestock.  Humans beared the humiliation while trying to overcome the difference in strength.

Finally humans have gained enough strength to overpower their enemies and make them pay for all the wrongdoings.

1st Elder mockingly says that he can give the werewolves a chance to live if they kneel and become his subordinates...a prospect which WWs ignores.  1st says that he expected the answer and would make them submit by force...

The battle start and follow the same cliché format: Good guys (this time Juraki and Dorant) are about to defeat enemies but then new enemies participate and thrash them.  Juraki is almost killed...

Juraki questions if ganging up is the power humans gained to surpass werewolves. 1st says that werewolves were strong from the start and only got stronger but humans have to start from bottom with nothing so few tricks is fine. Juraki calls him shameless.

He orders the cannon fodder to silence Juraki but at the last moment Garda interfere who has been waiting in shadows for a long time to make an epic entrance!

Chapter 490
Chapter 492

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