Noblesse Chapter 539

The children and the others are in a awkward silence after Ikhan's question. Tao enquires the children what they mean by their question of whether Rai is a non-human being.

Shinwoo and Ikhan explain about the clues they found regarding the recent explosion (when the satellite launched attack in the area). They have seen an image of a crater where Rai was standing.

The children theorize that Tao is a non-human as well because when the explosion occured he made excuses for Rai's sudden disappearance

Rai finally step in to answer. He clarifies that Tao is indeed a human, but he on the other hand is a non-human.

The children are shocked by the confession.

Rai apologise for hiding the secret but also states that he never meant to deceive them.

As the children want to ask a further question, Muzaka suddenly confess that he is a non-human as well.  He introduce himself as a werewolf who has been a friend of Rai from a very long while.

The children have recently learned about the existence of werewolves through the news/internet. They now understand how Muzaka can be a close friend of Rai when he looks so old comparitively speaking. Earlier they believed it was just a cultural difference but now it makes all sense

Muzaka give a hollow laugh. The children ask Rai about his race to which he answers that he is a noble.

As the children contemplate the information, Tao is contacted by Third Elder. Third inform him that the Lord of Nobles is live on tv.

Surprised, Tao start the TV while others join him.

The children are shocked to see their friend Raskreia...

At the desert, Frankenstein vs Crombell continues.

Crombell's hand is sliced by Dark Spear. He is impressed that Frankenstein can do such damage on him when he has gained the powers of a god after being blessed by Blood Stone-nim.

Crombell praises Frankenstein for his skills but states  they are now useless.  Long time ago Frankenstein had a chance of becoming a god but now it is the era of Crombell.

Crombell is as strong as ever with his hand regenerated in no time. Frankenstein, on the other hand, is getting exhausted and weakened as the battle drags on.

God, this part has been repeated in every single battle so far from last 300 chapters. Like the exhaustion of good guys ever matter. Ask poor Maduke aboht it. Anyways, who needs high recovery speed when you have plot armor?

The battle resume again now that the monlogue of Crombell has been completed. He is able to push Frankenstein back.

Crombell is excited as he launch a finishing strike.

Alas, his fun is suddenly ruined by a surprise attack from behind.

Karias has arrived!

Frankenstein takes advantage of Crombell's distraction to launch a strike on him. From behind, Seira and Regis launch blows on Crombell as well.

Crombell is incensed by the decelopments. He is still in a confused state when M-21 enter the stage.

M-21 has been waiting for this moment all his life as he strike with his claws on Crombell.

Poor Crombell has got kitty marks on his face.

 Rest assured readers, in the next chapter, Crombell  will heal in no time and good guys will despair under his boring monologue of how he is invincible!  All credits to Blood Stone-nim! 😍 

Chapter 540

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